Copy refresher Copy that creates sales copy writer freelance copywriter Sales copy

Hot Town, Summer Copy Sizzles

You caught me… I’m not much of a lyricist! And while I may wish I had the mad musical writing skills of Bernie Taupin or Mac McAnally, I simply don’t. So, I’ll stick to what I’m good at: Writing copy that motivates people…

So, here you are, reading about a non-musical copywriter. What’s the hook? Here’s the hook: Let me deliver the jingle you’re looking for.

How does that work if I”m not a jingle-writer?

It works in two ways, but both have the same effect. Ever read those stories as a kid where you got to choose your own ending? A little regression is good now and then. So, choose your ending:

A.) Choose this ending if you need a way to increase your year-end sales.

Let me help you put a little extra jingle in the bells this holiday season — and maybe a little extra jingle in your pocket from a bigger-than-average holiday bonus. Now is the time to think about a well-planned and well-written year-end promotion. Contact me.

B.) Choose this ending if you just want to increase sales, period.

Let me help put a little jingle in your bottom-line. There’s no time like the present to create new sales collateral, a new web site or a well-timed promotion. Contact me.

C.) Choose this ending if you’re really confused and just want to have a jingle written for your company.

Seriously? You chose this option?