Americanize my copy copy writer freelance copywriter technology copywriter

Freelance Copywriter Ready for You!

Hi. …if you’re looking for a solid copywriter with a quirky sense of humor, you’re in the right place. I’m John Laing and I’m that guy. I write and produceĀ for clients around the world. In fact, if you use brand name products or spend much time online, you’ve probably seen or interacted with my work. […]

copy writer freelance copywriter landing page writer Squeeze page writer

Esqueeze me?

Esqueeze me? That’s correct, I’m brave enough to open a post on squeeze page copywriting with a lame junior high pun. I’ve noticed that is attracting quite a few folks who are interested in hiring a copywriter for squeeze pages and landing pages. As you can imagine, copy for squeeze pages and CPA landing […]